I hear you and feel the connection 🙏

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🥰 Alone but together.

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"returning home a new person, subtly changed, always me... " I love this line so much!! Each day, each experience that brings newness to who we are, yet you are always you along the way because you get to decide how what you experienced impacted you.

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Yes! As I was writing the first part of that sentence out, I realised 'a new person' wasn't quite accurate. I was always me, just changed a bit. I've written before about how I'm peeling back layers of 'identity' that I put on over the years, and am getting closer to the core of me, and that's how I felt with this - I'm changed, but still me.

Thanks so much for connecting. I love seeing what readers connect with in my words. It's so interesting! x

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I love that the "core of me". I always say I am going back to my core, my center, my heart as my guide now. It really is me. It has always been there, life experiences may have tried to change it, but now it is calling me back to it because I am ready to peel off those learned layers.

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It’s incredible isn’t it?! That feeling of taking layers away, ones you thought you needed and didn’t really. They just covered up the beautiful stuff inside.

I’m glad we connected! 🥰

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Jul 23Liked by Karen May

I’m excited for your experimentation in order to continue writing. 💕

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Thank you! And thank you, as ever, for the support, the cheerleading, the suggestions. ♥️

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Long or short, I'll happily read what is on your mind and in your heart.

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Thank you 🥰 As always. I do quite like the shorter ones. They challenge me in a different way! And can take just as long to write as the longer pieces 😅

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That door you pushed open - where you were with others but not overwhelmed? I imagined it to be the door of heaven.

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