I have literally cried over spilt milk more times that I can say. Beautiful piece ❤️

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Thank you! A piece I didn’t really intend to write, but out it came!

I have to say, I can’t believe I made it through the whole piece and didn’t once write about spilled milk… I only thought about it afterwards 😂

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Oh man, this one struck one hell of a chord! I think I'm going to incorporate this question into my weekly routine. It has a genius way of cutting right through to what's bothering us (perhaps sometimes without even realising it...), giving the space and opportunity to work through it.

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It's a wonderful question, isn't it?! I love it.

I also love the thing of questioning. It takes us out of the space of needing to answer, and instead setting us up to just be curious.

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Beautifully put and so human! So humane! So us! My mother was a strong person, the strongest person I have ever met. Or so I thought. She was like a rock. And then she crumbled into shards before me and I realized that strength is stopping to sit on the side of the road and feel weak, explore the fears, let the tears run free, consider the ugly and the beautiful and all that is in between. My mother was the thick branch that broke in the storm. I am a thin branch and I have bent down to the ground many times, but I always straighten and continue on the road. And so do you.

Being human is messy, awkward, frightening. We can feel seven different things within the span of a second, all at once, without understanding why or how. But it is what it is. When we learn to embrace uncertainty, when we feel it's OK not to know all the answers, when we find the ability within to look at what scares us and live with it, we become stronger and happier.

Sennding you big big hugs and saluting your awareness and your ability to cry and reflect and be the best you you can be. XX

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The tree - what a wonderfully accurate and descriptive metaphor! I love that. So often we prefer strength to be the unbreakable bough. I love the image of bowing in the wind, but not breaking. How beautiful.

Humanness is so messy. And beautifully so, I think, once we learn to appreciate the full spectrum of emotions and experiences. I remember years ago my therapist said how we are the ones who label emotions as good or bad. That has stayed with me this whole time. Things are so much more complex than just good or bad, desirable or not.

Embracing uncertainty is hard, for sure. We love to control, to predict. It's safer. Controlling everything, though, is a sure recipe for disaster and misery. Sometimes, we just have to go with the flow.

Thank you for the hugs and the support and your words, as always. Today especially, they warmed my heart xx

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I found the branch metaphor in Buddhism and it stayed with me.

My mentor once said that certainty scares him, because it motivates people to do horrible things in the name of their confidence. I tend to agree with him. The older I get, the more comfortable I become with embracing uncertainty and chaos and just knowing that whatever comes will be something I can handle.

And there is plenty of hugs and support here. You can count on that. XX

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That’s a wonderful thing to consider. I remember someone once sort of criticising me because my opinions change so frequently. I was much younger at the time, so really felt it, and wondered how I could have more conviction in my opinions. As I’ve gotten older, I see it as a good thing. I’m not afraid to have my mind changed, to hear new things, learn new stuff, to change my standpoint. Or even to say ‘I don’t have an opinion on that’ because I don’t know enough to form a credible, reasoned one.

Uncertainty is a beautiful place to exist in, I feel. It can be mighty uncomfortable, we love predictability for security and safety. But I love that challenge of leaning into it.

Thanks for sharing, that’s really given me a lot to reflect on this morning :) x

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You are most welcome. Uncertainty is hard for a person with anxiety like me to embrace, but the effort pays off. XX

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Likewise. I've worked hard over years to let go of that need to control everything. The effort does indeed pay off. x

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May 29Liked by Karen May

I read this after I got a text from my daughter who is having her own spilt milk/struggling moment.

She has such a high EQ, that she’s about to recognise, articulate and ask for help.

She’s just a teenager and has figured this out?!?

I sent some of your words to her.

Love that beautiful timing my friend! (Who knows if that pull to write all your feelings down was in part to help a teenager in NZ 😉💕)

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Thank you for sharing! I love how self aware she is and being able to ask for the right sort of help too. That’s amazing. It’s taken me 3 decades to figure that out 😂

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This one has me thinking deeply. There are so many thoughts and questions going through my mind. I'm not sure I have the heart or energy to go there now, even though I know this would be good medicine.

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Go gently and kindly, if you do. Sometimes questioning can be exhausting. I think it’s ok to not always question, or learn or grow. Sometimes it’s good to just be.

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Beautiful! Thank you.

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I've definitely had those milk spilling moments cries

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Glad I’m not alone! What amazes me is how frequently they can happen… and yet we carry on

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For sure!

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