This is beautiful Karen 😊 Thank you ❤️

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Thank you! ♥️ I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for your kind words 🥰

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What a beautiful piece of writing! Thank you, Karen.

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Thank you so much 🥰 I feel I’ve said thank you to you a lot now 😂 and I’m completely the wrong chronological order too!

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lol No order is necessary surely?! (And now I want to thank *you* again! lol)

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I think you’re right - who needs order?! 😂

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Jul 8Liked by Karen May

This made me think a lot about capturing memories or visiting memories. Do you find certain foods can bring back memories or smells as well?

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Absolutely! I've gone crazy before now trying to remember where I smelled a particular smell before 😂 Foods too. I worked with Americans for a few years and just need to have a particular food to take me right back to that time of my life. And sometimes the simplest things will trigger it.

Memories, senses, the human brain - fascinating!

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Jul 8Liked by Karen May

Definitely though many of my memories go back to songs, say the 1st time i heard a song or a song linked to a specific event. Loved this essay Karen

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Thank you! Songs are really evocative for me, and not just around particular events like this but whole phases of my life too. Music is so wonderful for that.

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I also have a lot of memories linked to music. Certain albums reminding me of a whole season of life.

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Completely agree! Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory (which tells you exactly what sort of kid I was in school) takes me right back to my teenage years.

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Ha ha ha Well, you were much much cooler than I was as a teenager! One of my favourite memories from my teen years is sitting in the 6th from library with my best and oldest friend (we are still best friends!) doing our A level Latin homework together. We would be listening to music on our Walkman's (I'm so old!) and anxiously saying to each other 'Can you hear my music?' 'No. Can you hear *my* music?' Why? Because we would both be listening to our favourite album which we called WBC. It stood for Winchester Boys' Choir and it was a compilation tape of all kinds of weird ass choral music! We had no links to churches or anything. We... just liked the music? *heads off to listen to 'O, for the wings of a dove' to recall her heady days of youth...*

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Oh boy, you're my kind of person 😂 Latin? Choral music? Sign me up. Bit of Gregorian chanting too? Linkin Park was definitely my emo days! Every now and then, when my thankfully-ending-soon job pisses me off enough, they feature very loudly in my house!

I do miss Walkman days! By my teens, sorry to say, I was on CDs and even MP3 players. And, if you were lucky with rich parents, you had one of the first iPods! We were still recording radio to casette tapes though - racing to press that play and record button just as the DJ stopped talking. Gone are the good old days 😂

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Ha ha Yes the race to press the pause button when recording! It was my sister in charge of that in my youth - she was the one who was more into modern music (although I did listen to that too). My go to loud music is Nirvana. I love seeing the difference in age showing up in this!

I definitely had a Gregorian chant phase. I haven't listened to any in a couple of decades though...

Also a Latin person? I feel really lucky that I got to do Classics at school. I went to a 'bog standard' urban secondary in the late 80s to early 90s (an ex secondary modern - it was pretty rough around the edges), and they brought in a teacher a couple of days a week to teach some of us Latin in year 9, 10 and 11. And then I got to do A level Latin and Greek at the local 6th form (which had previously been the grammar school). It was a great experience, although I'm not sure it has been terribly useful!

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