Mar 25Liked by Karen May

What a great piece of descriptive writing. I love the 40's and help orgsnise a few weekends where all who turn up "dressed" take the visitors on a journey through time. There are lots of military sounds, we also get to hear the glorious power of the Merlins on Spitfire, Hurricane and the Lancaster with the accompanyment of Glenn Millers music.

In your piece you made me realise that l have missed it since last November and that l am getting quite excited about forthcoming events starting quite soon. Thanks for this, it has added to my bucket list...Goodwood sounds wonderful and your piece has woken a need in me to experience it.

Well done Karen, you are an accomplished and skilled writer. xx

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Thank you! And I honestly can't believe you've never been! It's brilliant. We had a blast, and would love to go back. The racing is awesome, but it's the whole thing that we adored.

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Mar 27Liked by Karen May

It might just hit next years calendar. I really fancy it, engine noise, Spitfires and 40's, what's not to like?

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Oh yes! You'll love it, I'm so sure.

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Mar 25Liked by Karen May

There’s something magical about stepping back in time. Sounds like an amazing event!

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It really is! We had a great time. Of course it's a racing event, but it's everything else around it that is just incredible and so much fun.

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