This is so beautiful, I relate to what you said so much and love those quotes! Particularly the anger/rage/wildness… I have always felt I have to suppress my wildness and am only just finding ways to express it me not feel ashamed of it… coming to my 40s and becoming a Mother has definitely unleashed it! Wonderful piece, thank you xx

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Thank you for taking the time to share ☺️ I'm glad you enjoyed it! I never would have classified myself as an angry/wild person until more recently, and I'm OK with it these days. I find it infinitely interesting how there seems to be this shared experience amongst so many women of rage.

Unleash - that was such a vivid image in my mind!

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Love this

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Thank you so much 😊

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Ohhhh the anger! Yes we are wild beings, we need to be free to feel it all.

I so resonate on the creativity and being a better person, I’ve been exploring this lately in my thoughts around guilt and priorities, especially next to motherhood.

Thank you for this essay x

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The guilt can be terrible. I’m so glad it resonated! I never really thought about the anger and thought I’d end up in that space but I have the older I’ve gotten and I’m sort of angry about that itself 😂

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I speak to so many women and mothers who experience the same!

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And I completely understand why now. It’s hard to even express it or explain it.

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Such a great post! So many amazing role models for us and I love the quotes too, both such great books ✨🌼✨

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Thank you! They are fantastic books. They never fail to get me fired up and feeling grounded all at the same time.

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